One of the common problems with being an activities director in a retirement community is the lack of storage for all of our goodies! I am lucky in the fact that I do have a large closet that I keep my theme party, special events, and holiday decorations (besides Christmas). Christmas is in another separate storage area. If you do not have a storage area, maybe now, with the housing market being slow, is a good time to discuss this with your administrator. Once you have a storage area, what is the best way to make the most out of it? Here area a few pointers that I use: Buy clear plastic bins that are large enough to hold a specific subject's items. I try to pick up one or two when I find them on sale. Keep in mind the largest item and buy accordingly. You may also find that when residents leave their home that there are storage pieces that you may be able to use Use clean and dry boxes from your kitchen and housekeeping departments Lab...
Program Ideas and Support For Activities Directors of Independent Living Retirement Communities