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A - Z Ideas

A = Activities Chart
       A Good Job
       Apples to Apples
B = Brain Games
       Breast Cancer Activities
       Breakfast at Tiffany's
       Burn Out or New Beginning?
C= Cat Gallery Brings Community Together
      Contemplate & Create
      Collection Show
      Cruise Around the World
D = Dance Lessons for Activities Directors
       Decorations: Peel and Stick
       Dinner Theater
       Dog Show
E =  Eye Month Activities
       E- Readers
F=  FaceBook for Seniors
      Fashion Show
      Fancy China Party
      Fitness  including a FISHING TOURN
      Flamingo Fun Fosters Future Festivities
      4 Pictures 1 Word Game
      Fun Extras
G= Gold Party
      Game Night
H= Happy Holidays? Yes!
      Hollywood Theme
      Havana Night Party
I = Ice Cream Social
      Invest in Volunteers for Big Dividends
J = Jazz Party
K = Know your Neighbor Activities
       Key Ingredients for a Successful Holiday Season
L =Loving My Job
      Love Thy Neighbor Party
      Library Programs for Seniors
      Lifelong Learning Lessons
      Lucky Charm Lunch
M = Marching into Fun
       Mentoring Lessons
       Play MUSIC More Often
N = Not So-Newlywed Game
       New Year's Eve Games
O = Opera Appreciation
P = Poker Walk
R = Rainbow Theme Party
       Resident Activity Committee
       Resident Run Programs
       Royal Garden Party
S = Safari Night
       Scared to Say Yes?
      Scam Education Made Easy
      Smart-phone Helps @ Work
      Speaking? Face Your Fears!
      Stadium Needs for Seniors
      Staff and Resident Social
      Summer Fitness
      Super Bowl Plans
T = Tailgate Party (Football)
       Tax Time Blues
       Teachers Luncheon
       Thanksgiving Gratitude
V = Volunteer Appreciation
       Volunteer MINT theme
       Invest in VOLUNTEERS for Big Dividends
       Veterans Day
W =  Water Classes
         Wii Bowling
         Wild West Night
         No Wine-ing (Wine Tasting)
         Winter in Paradise theme
Y = Yoga


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